
Monday, October 13, 2014

Here Be Dragons

I've been meaning to visit a particular location ever since we moved here over two years ago, but for one reason or another had not got around to doing so. A prompt, by way of "it's really pretty right now - the iris are all blooming" from a visiting friend this morning, put a much need fire under me to set off & explore this oasis in the central city.

Tucked away between train tracks & tall buildings, right on the edge of the central business district, lies the oasis otherwise known as Roma Street Parklands. It's magical, really it is. Perhaps especially so at this time of year when the Iris are in bloom & the Eastern Water Dragons are all shapes, sizes & places

This one you might have to enlarge, in order to spot all 5 dragons.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Deb - little dragons - that is so cool. And the gardens look like a wonderful place to spend a day.


You've read what's on my mind, now I'd love to hear your thoughts :)