Wednesday, January 04, 2012

And The Cat Came Back!!

About an hour ago a certain feline walked through the door after his longest absence yet. Never have I been so happy to see him. He's a lot thinner than he was & his very distinctive & usually quite loud "meow" was more of a kittens mewl at the front door - so much so that I wondered if I was hearing things & didn't think it was Hercules!

No one is quite sure how long he's been gone, whether it was during last Saturdays 4.8 (he usually takes off & hides but doesn't stay away if it's under a 5 mag) or before that. I know that this Mondays 5.5 mag wouldn't have helped. At any rate it's been at least 5 days & he seems a little weak so I'm hoping that things stay quiet so he'll hang around long enough to build up his reserves again.

Welcome Home Hercules.


Sharon Driscoll said...

Glad to see he found his way home.

Maren aka hilobeads aka Palms, Etc. said...

Good to see he's home. Ours don't like earthquakes much either.