Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Last Day of Summer

28th February 2010, officially the last day of Summer here in New Zealand. Autumn starts tomorrow & I feel as if we haven't even really had a summer yet....unless you count the six truly stunning days, with temperatures in the 27-30ยบ.
Three of these days have been this past week, & I definitely feel extremely cheated that I haven't really been out in them to enjoy them to maximum effect.

The times that I have wandered along the road to get a coffee from Ris'tretto have been wonderful though. Bitter sweet in many ways. From the cacophony of the cicadas in the tree's under a bright blue sky, surrounded by the lush green park through to the feeling of the sun upon my face & back - I am going to savour each & every walk I make up to the cafe. I'm imprinting them in my memory. Why?

Because we are moving!

I was going to make a big announcement about this last week along with photos of the new place, but in my eagerness to be get packed & be well organized for this move I let it go a couple of days too long & the photo's of the new place had been removed from the web. Bugger!

The house we are moving to is a place that I was dead keen on looking through exactly 1 year ago. We didn't get to look through it, we missed out on it & I was gutted. In the meantime I have compared everything else against it, which is rather rather odd considering I never saw inside it.

I discovered that it had come available again three weekends ago & was onto the letting agent as soon as their office open again. We had a look through it within 48 hours & I fell in love....along with the other families that went through at the same time. We put our application in & I held my breath for 3 days.

I didn't realise just how deeply I wanted this place until I got the phone call saying that we had got it over the 5 other families that had put in applications, & I promptly burst into tears. I had been too scared to believe that we had a chance.

I've observed something interesting about myself too. The difference between now & the last time we moved just over two years ago. Then, I was overwhelmed & stressed. I couldn't think where to start the packing & wanted a whole heap of help & support.
This time I am the complete opposite. I have lists & a plan, I'm quite happy to pack everything alone & work through those lists. My support comes in the form of not having to worry about the cleaning afterwards.

This either means that when we moved here I had reservations about whether this house was the right move for us, or that I cant wait to get out of here!
I suspect that both are the case ;)

I won't miss a single thing about this house, the closeness of it's fences & the neighbouring houses that block the summer sunlight & most of all the completely inconsiderate, ignorant, rude & noisy neighbours.

For this sense of utter relief & in anticipation of a new start I will happily sacrifice a few summer days, even if they are absolute stunners!
I am truly blessed.

Guess that I had better start packing these....

1 comment:

Mermaid Glass said...

Congratulations!!!! On both the move and the last day of summer. (I love autumn)Have fun packing up and making plans. :)