It all started with the arrival of a few different labelled rods for me to test to see what colours would bloom from them in the flame.
Gaffer, with their usual high standards are ever mindful of being able to produce a glass that they can replicate exactly from batch to batch. The five test batches were narrowed down to one that immediately outshone the rest, then tested against their master glass for compatibility before production of a full batch commenced.....
Meet G-1095 - Blue Chalcedony

Just to show what it looks like stacked up against it's 'big brother', & the forerunner in Gaffers "Chalcedony" glasses

In the middle row are some encased G-1095 beads and beads made using both G-109 as a base & G-1095 as decoration in various forms. Believe me they play very nicely together!!
You are going to love this wonderful glass - I already do!
I'll talk a bit about working it a little later :o)
Very nice, Deb! That is a beautiful blue!
deb.. GORGEOUS...
can't wait to see more..
have a great weekend...
mona & the girls
yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
When will you be listing some of these beauties Deb?
These are so beautiful!!! I can't wait until it's available to buy.
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