Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I was a baby once.

Someone please rescue me from Mothers & Aunts in their 70's with access to the technology which allows them to scan old slides.

Now it's great to actually see what I looked like in colour - but Mother, what on earth did you do to my hair? I don't recall any mention of Mohicans in the family history - so I asked.

Product...yes product, on a baby. Product that supposedly guaranteed to make your baby's hair curl! I don't expect they mentioned that it only curled if you smarmed said product on & brushed babies hair up into a something that resembles a comb over on an older man. Hah!

Around 8 months old.

My cousin Jo, trying to tell me what to do, even then...
Me getting stubborn at someone trying to tell me what to do, even back then ;o)


angelinabeadalina said...

You were an adorable baby, Deb! Love the sunny afternoon with the babies in our laps picture. We have at least one of those featuring my mom holding me or my sister or brother. As for the mohawk hair, I can picture some doozies of me and my sister as little babies. Funny, though, I don't think there are any of my brother sporting a headlength curl standing on end. Hmmph. How'd he get out of that? As for the technology toting aunts and mothers, ya gotta be proud of their ability to learn new things (and ya also gotta steer them toward other targets besides yourself!) :)

addicted2fabric said...

Aww, you were a beautiful baby :o) You have inspired me to go through the box of photo's I inherited a few months ago. I love your blog, its always fun and interesting to read :o)

rosebud101 said...

What a sweet baby you were! You mum was beautiful, too!

Kerry said...

awwww cute :)

Deb said...

Thank you ladies. I was most surprised at images of me looking cute!
I also know where I got my aversion to hair product (Thanks Mum - Love ya!!)

Kerry - my sweet you can now tell Kieran that we know where he got his stunning good looks from ;o) (Of course you DON'T need to tell him that at least he's kept his! far)

Deb said...

Oh & Ang - my Aunt is the mistress of technology. I can't say publicly the things she figured for herself before the rest of us even had computers....'cos some of them are frowned upon.
I can say though that many years ago she figured how to run leads from her stereo into her computer & convert all of my grandparents old LP's that had been stored into files that could then be burnt to disk!

ShellyD said...

You were an adorable baby. :)) Love that 'attempt' at a curl.
I must agree with Angie and the idea of steering the 'technologically advanced' towards other 'targets'. LOL But it is still fun. Now to hope my mother never finds your blog to get ideas. Hmmmmmm....
Have a super weekend.

Genie Sea said...

Aww! Squishy! How adorable :)