Yes - you are correct, even cats are affected by colour!
Take this morning for example. Hercules was scheduled for a trip to the vet....or rather THE trip to the vet but he wasn't to know that.
I caught Big Boy & put him in Bizkit's cat carrier, the reaction was immediate;
Take this morning for example. Hercules was scheduled for a trip to the vet....or rather THE trip to the vet but he wasn't to know that.
I caught Big Boy & put him in Bizkit's cat carrier, the reaction was immediate;
The last two weeks have been interesting for young Herc! Long story - but he got rather ill & became literally skin & bone within a couple of days & could hardly walk. It was pretty darn scary.
A trip to the vet & we had to wait overnight to see if he had something deadly (Feline Aids or Cat Leukemia). Thank goodness it was neither & the verdict was either poisoning or an infection from a scrap with another cat over some female when he had been out gallivanting around at night.
The vet said he was full of hormones (I have another term for it!) & to keep him confined inside. Bring him back & get him neutered when he finishes the meds.
Easier said than done for an over sexed tom cat in Spring. So 10 days worth of antibiotics & a special diet (read: was spoiled rotten!!!) & he was fit as a fiddle. Due to his confinement the same can't be said of the house.
We knew he was feeling a lot better at 3am one morning when he decided to call out of my bedroom window & let the 'gals' know that he was available to give them what he felt they needed....HIM!
The rat bag kept up that racket most of the night & the following day decided it would be acceptable practice to mark his territory! (something he had not done until that point)
I could tell a lot more tales too about a certain young lad with the testosterone levels of an adult movie star.
Let me put it politely (cos I'm a lady after all!) - Big Boy & his family jewels were a legend in his own mind, & he felt his sole purpose on earth was to share the joy! He became a veritable Houdini!
Until then I had been having serious second thoughts about removing those impressive things, somehow it seemed almost sacrilegious & they'd had an indefinite stay of execution.
But this morning, feeling really bad about it still, I put him in the cat carrier & took him to the vet. Even the vet was impressed!!
I picked him up at lunch time by then he was Herculess.
Apart from a slight stagger when I let him out of the carrier - he doesn't seem any the worse for wear, the first thing he thought of was food! Typical!
After that instant weight loss too ;o)